
变压器局部放电 外文-Transformer Partial Discharge- An Overview




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变压器局部放电 外文-Transformer Partial Discharge- An Overview

时间:2024-09-26 06:49 点击:85 次

Transformer Partial Discharge- An Overview

Transformers are an essential component of the power transmission and distribution system. They play a crucial role in stepping up or stepping down the voltage levels, ensuring efficient power transfer. However, transformers are also prone to faults, and one of the most prevalent issues is partial discharge.

Partial discharge is a phenomenon that occurs when there is a localized breakdown of insulation in the transformer. This discharge can be caused by various factors such as voids, impurities, or defects in the insulation material. When partial discharge occurs, it generates a small amount of heat, light, and sound, which can cause further degradation of the insulation material and eventually lead to transformer failure.

Transformer partial discharge is a severe issue that needs to be addressed promptly to avoid significant damage to the transformer. It is essential to detect and locate the partial discharge sources accurately to take corrective measures. Various techniques are used to detect and locate partial discharge, such as acoustic emission, ultrasonic detection, and electrical detection.


Acoustic emission is a non-intrusive method that detects the sound waves generated by partial discharge. Ultrasonic detection uses high-frequency sound waves to locate partial discharge sources. Electrical detection measures the electrical signals generated by partial discharge and helps in identifying the location of the fault.

In conclusion, transformer partial discharge is a severe issue that needs to be addressed promptly to avoid significant damage to the transformer. It is essential to detect and locate partial discharge sources accurately to take corrective measures. The use of advanced techniques such as acoustic emission, ultrasonic detection, and electrical detection can help in detecting and locating partial discharge sources. Regular maintenance and testing of transformers can also help in preventing partial discharge and ensuring the efficient operation of the power transmission and distribution system.